Art Mentoring

Art Mentoring is for Painters who are tired of shushing their creative calling, and want to start creating their own unique paintings that move people, and even sell. It's about answering a creative calling you've had inside you for years, and put on hold for kids or career. It's about fulfilling that one piece of you that's missing. Because you don't want to get to the end of your life and have regrets. This is YOUR time.

The best way to get started is to watch my free Masterclass here.

Below you can watch interviews with many of my students who've gone through the program, and hear about their life-changing results. Or click here to read the reviews!

If you've already taken these steps, and you're ready to invest in yourself and take your Art to the next level NOW, you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with us here to talk about working together in my elite 10-week program.


"I turned 65 and finally gave myself permission to be an artist”– Julia Outland's story of going from closeted art supplies to commissioned paintings

Meet Julia - the veterinarian who kept her art supplies tucked away in closets through every life transition, waiting for "someday." At 65, she transformed her spare bedroom into an art studio and made a decision that would change everything. In just six months, she went from being "a very sad person" who was exhausted from her job, to creating again, selling her first paintings and creating a series of paintings on large canvases. Her family noticed the difference immediately: "You smile all the time now," they said. Her story isn't just about returning to art - it's about finally giving yourself permission to become who you've always been. Enjoy this inspiring artist interview!

From Zero to Artist in 8 Months: Paula’s Wild Creative Ride

Paula Stephens spent years helping others—working as a Buddhist Chaplain, supporting military personnel with mental health challenges, and guiding women in prison. But after all that time giving, she realized she had been helping everyone else, and it was time to fill her own cup. That’s when she decided to take a year to focus on painting, and see where she could get. Just eight months after making her commitment, Paula had created a series of paintings, landed a spot in a Colorado gallery, and started selling. Watch this inspiring interview to hear how she did it!

From School Teacher to Artist- an interview with Carla Chantry

Carla was retiring from teaching for 27 years. She needed to get back to her art again; it was something within her heart. She had always had a passion for art, and she wasn’t fulfilled without it.

Together we worked to help her transition from teacher to artist and develop a style and a method for painting that is exciting. Today Carla has created many series of paintings, had numerous shows, won awards, and has sold more paintings than she can count.

Hear about how she did in this inspiring interview…

From Graphic Design to a Travel-Inspired Art Collection – An Interview with Artist Terri Goodness

Terri wanted to take all the beauty that she saw from her travels and put it into Art. She was busy working as a graphic designer, her Art was stuck and her ideas never seemed to go anywhere. She was all over the place and worried what other people would think. Terri knew she needed something to push her in the right direction of painting – something that was an expression of her, and not what a client wanted. In this inspiring interview, hear her journey of how she transitioned from graphic designer to artist and creating a travel-inspired large scale series in under six months, and finding true purpose.

Her Art was Her Life Raft- an Interview with painter Bille von Roeder

Bille was making Art but she wasn’t that happy with it. She was doing realistic animal portraits, but her process felt like a chore. Her husband was ill, and she needed some light and an escape. She began to search for how to find ease in her painting. In less than a year, Bille create a series of paintings, discovered her own unique style, and begin to sell her Art. Listen to her story here of how she did it here.

Embracing Her Dream Art Show after a 30 year Hiatus

Mischelle had a dream to do an Art exhibit in a winery. She had been in marketing for 30 years and had barely painted. When a friend said to her, ““Do you want to spend the rest of your life wondering ‘What if?”, she realized now was the time for her Art. Within six months of working together, she created a series of paintings, built her confidence and did her dream show at a vineyard. Watch this interview to hear how she did it!

Laurie recently retired, but couldn’t get into her studio due to self doubt around being treated with a mood disorder. She felt her art could never be good enough again, and that it would be “flat”.

In less than a year, she began painting freely, created a series of paintings, and has an upcoming show and galleries. Hear how she transformed her life and lit her creativity in less than a year, in her vulnerable interview here.

Sharon was stuck looking at a white canvas. She had taken numerous classes in 2022, but always with teachers who wanted to teach her their own method. She was hard on herself, copying, and felt like she had to create a “masterpiece” every time.

In late 2022 something shifted and she began to paint with great joy and freedom. She created a series of paintings of her life in Florida, and began to show. People started buying her art. Listen to this interview to hear how she moved beyond copying and started expressing her OWN authentic art, finding her joy, and producing some of the best pieces of her life.

Sherri had a lot of techniques but she didn’t know how to paint authentically. She was relying on classes for ideas, but didn’t feel like it was her Art.

She wanted to fast track her art, learn about mixed media, become free in her painting and discover her own authentic voice. In just TWO months Sherri created a series of paintings and sold 11 pieces! Hear how she broke through and started finding success in her Art in this interview above.

Ruth always felt a creative calling since she was 6, but went into graphic design because she needed to make a living. Once her kids were raised she began trying to reconnect with her Art by learning watercolor. She became good technically, but after several years of watercolor she began to feel stuck – like she wasn’t finding out who she was as an artist. She wasn’t enjoying her Art anymore. It began to feel like homework. After 8 weeks of working with me, Ruth went from not having confidence in her art, and not making big progress – to painting a series of paintings with her own voice, booking a show, and selling her first painting! Hear how she did it in this inspiring video interview!

In this inspiring interview hear how Arlene went from paralyzed with fear, to creating a series of paintings and winning an award in a juried show.

Amy was hung up on doing art for approval, and technically accurate perfectionist art for a long time. She got to a point where she wanted to be more expressive and find her own style. Not knowing what to do, how to do it and how to get help. Chrystene was painting and painting, but didn’t have her own style, she wasn’t creating from her heart. She was painting but she felt something was missing. She was creating art to get others approval, and she had no idea how to make the shift. Both women felt a piece of THEM was missing in their Art. ... Within a year of working with me, Amy was one of ten artists who were asked to show two pieces in an elite show in Cincinnati. Chrystene now has an Etsy site up and is selling. She has created three series of paintings, and has been invited to be in a juried show with her portrait paintings. Listen to the interview and find out how they did it!
Caroline had been painting her floral pieces for five years, and had some success selling at local art shows. But she couldn’t stop struggling with her fear of rejection. It was holding her back in her art. Within just six weeks, Caroline worked through her blocks and began to see her failures as a way to progress. She became more confident about herself – not just as an artist, but in all aspects of her life, and now feels confidence to paint more expressively with her own voice. She has three upcoming shows!
Laura was stuck and not painting. Her fears and underconfidence were holding her back. She had some hardships in her life and found that for people who need to create, if you’re not doing your Art, it’s easy to just focus on the heavy stuff. She came to me because she realized that if you're out of your heart you can't thrive. It was torturing her to think about her art all the time, and she was ready to do something about it. In 3 months she developed a series, started finding her style and getting commissions. Discover the secret to what unlocked Laura’s Art in this Artist interview!
30 years ago Kathe’s art was important to her, but she didn’t’ know how to put it all together. She took a job as an Art teacher and “just settled”. Kathe came to me because she was tired of settling her whole life. She raised her children, and now her grandchild, and was working full time. She made a decision that she didn’t want to settle anymore, it was her turn finally for her Art. Over several months Kathe discovered her happiness, and a spiritual connection to her Art. She began to get easier on herself, and feel lighter. As she went through the process she built her confidence, and her know-how to create paintings she loves…. and now she’s in a gallery! Watch this interview to find out how she did it.
Mary Anne made only 2 paintings in the last 20 years because her critical voices in her head were paralyzing her. She would sit down to paint and then when it wasn't looking the way she wanted, she would be full of angst and never finish her painting. Mary Anne took every class imaginable – still life, college classes, community classes. But none of them helped her with her critical voices! In February she decided to give her Art one more try, and committed to a different approach. Within two months she made 15 paintings and was finally loving her art for the first time since high school.
Andrea always wanted to develop her artistic side. She was doing the same thing over and over, and not going anywhere with her Art. She felt really stuck. She had a wonderful husband, a great job and house, but Art was the one thing that was missing in her life.She realized she needed to make a change, that Art was a passion for her that brought her a lot of joy, and she didn’t want to wait any longer. In just a few months, Andrea went from trying to figure her Art on her own, putting everything else first, and being in perfectionism, to having the faith to express her true voice in her Art, create a vibrant series of paintings, and start selling and planning a show.
Ruth Ann wanted to learn to paint more freely and express her true voice in her Art. She wanted to feel like a real Artist, and be happy in the winter time when she wasn’t able to garden. In just six weeks, Ruth Ann went from trying to figure out her art on her own and being frustrated, to learning to express herself freely from her heart, creating a series of paintings and starting to sell in just two months.
Charla didn’t believe she had artistic ability. She grew up watching her brother and sister make art, and didn’t think she could. She was a successful business woman, but her Art was stifled and full of self-doubt. After a difficult year, Charla decided to get over her critical voices and see what she could really do with her creative calling. Within a few months Charla created a series of expressive animal paintings – and learned to paint freely and happily – for the first time in her life. She has been asked to sell her paintings for as much as $1700 and she’s just getting started! Listen in to the interview with Charla here.
Within six weeks, Nathalie went from making slow progress with her Art to selling six paintings! Her paintings have gone from good to great, and she's found how to express her voice in her Art. Listen to her heartfelt journey in this interview.
Jean’s confidence and motivation to create were waning. She had tried imitating other artists, and taken a lot of online courses, but still didn’t have the direction and the feedback she needed to move forward with her art. She wanted to explore creating her own voice rather than mimicking other artists. She wanted a road map for establishing herself as an artist. Now she’s in the studio almost everyday, loving the process and her paintings, and planning a show. Jean no longer hesitates to call herself an "artist".
Join us in this very authentic interview as Michele talks about how the biggest thing in art is trust, and trusting you can have this artistic life, even with all the other artists out there, and that your art has value.
From years of being stuck in perfectionism and not painting, to discovering her voice as an artist in a few months, and creating a series of paintings. Hear her inspiring story of how she learned to make her art a priority, find the time in a busy life, and put all the pieces together to finally be waking up everyday excited to paint and living her true purpose as an artist.
Lee Bauman found me when she had had a difficult couple of years, and was looking to grow as an artist. Listen to her inspiring story of how she learned how to work through her fears, and believe it was time to finally believe in her art. Within a few months, she discovered how to incorporate her love of music into a body of work, and accepted a serendipitous invitation to have a show.
Hear how Harriet went from being taken away from being an artist for decades, to finding her passion, creating a body of work, and doing a show within just a few months. Harriet speaks from her heart about finding her passion and being vulnerable as an artist.
Dede was at a "sink or swim" moment in her life. She wasn't enjoying work, and didn't want to get up every day and just feel like she was existing.  Hear her uplifting story of how she learned that feeling grateful every day was part of her finally making her art happen, she realized the things that were in her she could really do, how playing took all the pressure off for her, how she did a show and sold four paintings!
Hear Melody's story of how she went from being uncertain of her art ability, or if she could ever make a life as an artist, to teaching art and inspiring others, and stepping into her life's gifts and purpose as an artist.

Is working with me worth it?

Have you ever wondered if working with me will actually help your Art? Maybe you want to do it but are scared or worried that it won't get you the results you want and then you'd have wasted your money? Well, the following are posts that happened in my Facebook group,and emails that have been sent to me ... women post these almost daily – so much so that I am often overwhelmed by how many there are!

So now that you know that working with me is absolutely worth it... you can book your complimentary Art Breakthrough Call below!


Our Art Success Stories

From Fear and Rejection to Confidently Painting and Selling

Caroline had been painting her floral pieces for five years, and had some success selling at local art shows. But she couldn’t stop struggling with her fear of rejection. It was holding her back in her art. Within just six weeks, Caroline worked through her blocks and began to see her failures as a way to progress. She became more confident about herself – not just as an artist, but in all aspects of her life, and now feels confidence to paint more expressively with her own voice. She has three upcoming shows!

How Andrea Broke Through Being Stuck to Create a Meaningful Series and Start Selling

Andrea always wanted to develop her artistic side. She was doing the same thing over and over, and not going anywhere with her Art. She felt really stuck. She had a wonderful husband, a great job and house, but Art was the one thing that was missing in her life.She realized she needed to make a change, that Art was a passion for her that brought her a lot of joy, and she didn’t want to wait any longer. In just a few months, Andrea went from trying to figure her Art on her own, putting everything else first, and being in perfectionism, to having the faith to express her true voice in her Art, create a vibrant series of paintings, and start selling and planning a show.

Waiting her Whole Life to Unlock her Inner Artist – Nathalie's Stunning Journey to Professional, Passionate Painting

Within six weeks, Nathalie went from making slow progress with her Art to selling six paintings! Her paintings have gone from good to great, and she's found how to express her voice in her Art. Listen to her heartfelt journey in this interview.

How Lee Moved Past a Tough Period in Life and Combined her Passions into a Show

ee Bauman found me when she had had a difficult couple of years, and was looking to grow as an artist. Listen to her inspiring story of how she learned how to work through her fears, and believe it was time to finally believe in her art. Within a few months, she discovered how to incorporate her love of music into a body of work, and accepted a serendipitous invitation to have a show.

So now that you know that working with me is absolutely worth it... you can book your complimentary Art Breakthrough Call below!