3 Game-Changing Elements: Transform Your Painting from ‘Meh’ to Masterpiece

3 Free Art Workshops – Get Unstuck, Find Your Voice, and Create Your Art Life!
January 22, 2025
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3 Game-Changing Elements: Transform Your Painting from ‘Meh’ to Masterpiece

3 Game-Changing Elements: Transform Your Painting from 'Meh' to Masterpiece

You know that feeling when you look at your painting and something’s just… not quite right? After mentoring hundreds of women artists, and showing and selling my own work for over a decade, I’m going to share 3 specific elements that take a painting from “almost there” to “wow, I created that!”

Just click on the video below to watch the demo…


In this Painting Training, I show you:

• The #3 elements that make a great painting

• Why some paintings seem to flow effortlessly while others feel stuck (there’s actually a reason!)

• The surprising technique that professional artists use to make their work uniquely recognizable

Plus, I’ll be answering all your questions about the Transform Your Art mentoring program! (I am taking a new group of mentoring students right now and there are only a few spots left)

If you’ve watched this and you are ready to take your art to the next level, and to invest in yourself, you can book a call here to join the new group of Art Mentoring Students: https://kelliedayart.com/getitnow

If you’re ready to make 2025 the year you finally become the artist you’ve always dreamed of being, join me for this free painting demo above – Watch it right now for free!

I can’t wait to help you reach your art dream soon,

PS. Click here to book your art call: https://kelliedayart.com/getitnow/

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