She was tired of watching her friends having success with their Art, while she was just talking about it. She knew that doing it on her own wasn’t cutting it any more. She knew she needed support and she knew I was helping women make big transformations with their Art and their lives.
… But when the moment came to leap and learn to fly, she couldn’t do it. She didn’t want to invest in her dream.
Make no mistake, this choice was not about money. It was about FEAR.
Anybody can come up with a chunk of change for something they really want – a new car, a vacation, college, a surgery. Other people spend large amounts of money by continually spending small amounts on things that never get them anywhere.
The truth is many women are afraid to invest (both time AND money) in their Art dream because they might find out they aren’t good enough after all. And they can’t face that.
OR – they don’t believe they deserve it.
Which is worse: Risking that you might not be as great as you had hoped, (and I guarantee you’ll be way greater), OR never having tried?
Most people would rather keep doing the same thing in because it’s comfortable. Even if they keep getting the same stagnant results for a decade. They stay where it’s comfortable, they let their husband talk them out of spending a chunk of change on themselves, or they talk themselves out of it because they think it’s frivolous – or they don’t deserve it.
But here’s the truth:
Each day we make a decision to live our lives ruled by fears that we ALL have, OR to be brave and take the next step towards living our dream. Every day we have this choice.
The second choice is the person who’ll be creating their Art with joy and sharing it with the world. This happens very quickly when women commit to their Art.
What we see making the biggest difference for women’s Art is reaching out to get the one-on-one SUPPORT and a roadmap for how to put all the pieces together, instead of continuing to dabble and make small or scattered progress.
When you know how to put all the pieces together, it looks like this:
Most of all, you know that you and your dream are worth it.
Is your dream frivolous? Or is it your life purpose? You know the answer deep inside. .. and the women who live as Artists, are simply the ones who listen.
If you’re ready to make a bold move and start living your Art dream now, I can help you FLY. You can book an Art Breakthrough call with my team at Please note: These calls are not for everyone. Do not book a call with us if you are just looking for free information. You must be ready to choose your Art dream now, and get the support you need.
Here’s to choosing YOU,
ps. Scroll down to read words from my latest Graduates…