Paint Your Summer … Inspirations to Spark Your Painting

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Discover the Magic Behind My Latest Painting🌸
June 2, 2024
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Paint Your Summer … Inspirations to Spark Your Painting

Inspirations to paint your summer with kellie day

Right now it’s almost Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year. It’s the time to connect with your highest joy and express the summer beauty you’re seeing all around you with paint!

Here are some inspirations to spark your summer paintings …

All around you everywhere there is extra heightened beauty with the light, the color, the birds and everything around us.

If you’re thinking about painting, but you’re not sure how to get that art flowing out of you, here are some inspirations to get you started…

Click here to watch this quickie video

Art does not mean having to sit down and make a high-pressure painting. Instead, creating Art is about enjoying your LIFE, and finding non-intimidating ways to express yourself.

Enjoy this video, and have fun painting your summer!

With love,


PS. Are you ready to get the support and process to take your art from dabbling to professional quality?  You can book a call with me here to see if we’re a fit to work together in my Art Mentoring program. These calls are not for free coaching. They are for women who are ready to take their painting to the next level now and invest in themselves, so they can live the rest of their lives as thriving artists. If that’s you, I’d love to talk with you!

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Dina Bellini
Dina Bellini
June 18, 2024 2:30 pm

thanks so much for the guidance in encouraging how to appreciate the summer glory and taking the pressure off