So often women do not share their art and their greatest gifts due to lack of belief in themselves, their lack of confidence.
If you don’t have this belief in yourself that your art is worthwhile, you might find yourself not being able to get you art out there in the world and share it with others.
If you’re not getting your are out there, then you’re not sharing your greatest gifts, and this can feel like you’re wasting them.
When you don’t have your own inner confidence and self love about your art, when you do put it out there, you’ll be taken for a ride if you get any negative comments or not the response you wanted with your art.
This is the work it takes to allow us to have the belief in ourselves, and the confidence to really get your work out there in the world. … and be able to ride those ups and downs of putting your work out there.
Melanie takes you through a heart-opening exercise to open yourself to greater beauty, creativity, and love. Join her in this practice of finding this time and space and gentleness with yourself. See what wants to be created when you quiet your mind, by dissolving some of these concepts that keep us imprisoned with our negative thoughts. And how the true freedom comes from inside of us.
For twenty years Melanie Law has studied and taught the practices of Yoga.
It is her hope to pass along some of the brilliance of her many teachers as she expresses it through her own truth and life experiences. Melanie has navigated some of life’s most challenging experiences, and it is her passion to empower students with the tools to do the same. She holds a deep and nurturing space for students to open up to the strength and receptivity of their own true nature. You can learn more about Melanie and her classes here:
Happy Valentine’s Day!
ps. If you’re ready to start making the best art of your life, but you need the support to get there, you can reach out to me for an Art Breakthrough Call. These calls are for women who are READY to do something different NOW and not wait another day to make their art happen.
You MUST be committed, ready to do the work, emotionally and financially stable, and ready to invest in yourself. Do not book a call with me if you are just looking for free information. If this is you, you can book a call with me here.