“It’s torture (to not paint for so long). Anytime I was working with creative people, I thought, ‘Could I have been them?’ .. Or anytime I bought Art from someone at a gallery, I was standing there thinking, ‘This could have been me’.”
She dreamed of having an Art exhibit at a winery, but worried she wasn’t good enough. Then one day someone said to her, “Do you want to spend the rest of your life wondering ‘What if?”. She realized now was the time for her Art.
In six months Mischelle created a series of paintings, approached her dream winery and did her first show ever.
Find out all the juicy details in her eye-opening interview!
She was taking over her kitchen, and then having to put the mess away. She took little $50 art classes, or scrolled on pinterest and then wished she had spent that time creating.
It had been 30 years since she was doing full paintings. She wondered if she was as good as she thought she was.
Finally Mischelle took the plunge and began working together with me. With her dedication, she built her confidence and got back in connection with her creative flow.
When she finally hung her dream art exhibit (first one ever) at a vineyard it was surreal for her. She did a radio interview to promote it, and her friends and family came to the show and celebrated with her. People were asking her if her paintings were available before she even finished hanging them.
Find out all the juicy details in her eye-opening interview!
Ps. If you’re out there like Mischelle was, and you’re missing your Art, you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me like she did, and find out how I can help you too! You can book your call at KellieDayArt.com/booking
Please don’t book a call with me if you are just looking for free information. These calls are for women who are ready to work with an Art Mentor to transform your Art life.