“Because they just HAVE to do it,” she said. “They have this drive to do it all the time and they have to do it.”
It struck me, what she said. I’d never thought of Art success that way before. These famous artists were OBSESSED with creating. They couldn’t stop doing it. They were driven.
That’s when I realized…
I’ve noticed the same thing with the artists I work with. Talent is not what makes or breaks an Artist. It’s passion.
Everyone creates Art Differently.
Here’s what I mean…
Art is for people who are called to do it. For them it’s about creating because (as my friend Erika pointed out), “They just have to do it.”
So if YOU are hesitating to paint, because you think it’s a gig only for the people who are more “talented”than you – you couldn’t be more wrong.
If you’re called to create and you’re not doing it, it’s like that bee who’s not making that sweet honey that fills up this Earth with goodness. Life is missing something, not only for YOU, but those people out there who need to see visual voice in this world.
Once you tap into your flow, your honey jar will be filled with goodness for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. … and that’s when life starts to make sense and feel happier.
My student Diane began painting again this year, and reconnected to her 11 year old child within. She asked her husband if he noticed anything different about her now that she was painting again, and you know what he said? “You seem more complete.”
Sigh…. Such goodness.
If you’re hesitating to paint because you might not be good enough – you can take that off the table today – it’s not about talent. It’s about that little voice that’s calling you to make Art.
And if you’re looking for support Awakening your Art journey, and you’re ready to begin, I can help….
I have opened up a few times on our calendar in the next few days, and you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with us. We’ll get on the phone with you, help you discover what’s holding you back in your Art, and get a plan for what you need to move forward.
We all need support to take our passion to the next level, and we are here for you if you’re ready.
Please do not book a call with us if you are just looking for free information. These calls are only for woman who are ready to make their Art Dream happen now.
If that’s you, we’d love to talk with you! You can book your call at KellieDayArt.com/booking
ps. Scroll down to read words from some of my latest students …